VI stands for visual interface, the mechanism of editor is use to modify the data
of an existing file respect to the requirement.
In IT World, there are some default
editors in various platforms.
Eg:- Dos -- edit
Windows -- notepad
Linux --
CLI : vi, vim, ex, nano
: gedit, emacs, pico, nedit
: This is one of the text base editor in
linux, which is not only use to create a new file, at also we use to modify the
data of existing file.
vi editor , totally 3 modes are available
1. Command Mode
2. Insert Mode
3. Execution Mode
1. Command Mode
2. Insert Mode
3. Execution Mode
is a command to open vi editor ,The default mode is command mode
1. Command Mode :
This is a default mode of vi, which
provide some following important operations, like copy-paste, cut-paste, and
search the word name, etc...
2. Insert Mode :
The function of this mode to write new
data into the file and also to modify the data of file.
3.Extended Mode (Execution Mode) :
This is a last mode vi, which is use
to save the modification of files and also to quit from vi.
shift form command mode to insert mode :
i --> It place cursor at left side of the
cursor line
I --> It place cursor at beginning of the
current line
a --> It place cursor at right side of the
cursor line
A --> It place cursor at end of the current
o --> It inserts new line below of the
O --> It inserts new line above of the
Mode Commands :
H --> Beginning of the current page
M --> Middle of the current page
L --> End of the current page
$ --> End of the current line (end key)
^ --> Beginning of the current line (home
x(nx) -->
Delete current character (del key)
ctrl + f -->
Forward one page (page-down key)
ctrl + b -->
backward one page (pgup key)
dd (ndd) --> Delete the
current line (delete n lines)
dw (ndw) --> Delete
current word (delete n words)
yy (nyy) --> Copy the entire line (copy n lines)
yw (nyw) --> To copy a
word (copy n words)
y$ --> It copies current position to end of
the line
y^ --> It copies current position to beginning
of the line.
p --> paste below the cursor
5p(np) --> paste 5 times
P --> paste above the cursor
u -->
ctrl + r --> Redo
Shift+zz(ZZ) --> save and
gg --> Move to
the beginning of the line
G --> Move to the end of the line
77G --> Go to the 77th line
/<find word> -->
Find the particular word
h --> move to left
k --> move to top
l --> move to right
j --> move to down
Execute Mode Options :
--> save without quit
:w <filename> -->
save with given filename
:q --> quit without saving changes
:q! --> quit with forcefully
;wq --> save and quit
:wq! --> save and quit forcefully
:x --> save and exit
:set number (se nu) -->
set line number
:set nonumber (se nonu) --> To remove line numbers
:5d (nd) --> delete 5th line
:$d --> delete last line
:3,6 d --> delete 3rd line to 6th line
:! <unix command>
--> execute unix command
:/string/ --> Top to bottom search
:?string? --> bottom to top search
:6 (n) -->
place cursor at 6th line
:$ --> place cursor at last line
in the file
Replace String :-
:1, $
:1, $ s/^/mahesh/ --> It adds “mahesh” at beginning of each line
:1, $ s/$/; --> It adds “;” at end of each line
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