
Process Management

Process Management

top # view top consumers of memory and CPU (press 1 to see per-CPU statistics)

who # Shows who is logged into system

w # Shows which users are logged into system and what they are doing

ps # Shows processes running by user

ps -e # Shows all processes on system; try also '-a' and '-x' arguments

ps aux | grep <user_name> # Shows all processes of one user

ps ax --tree # Shows the child-parent hierarchy of all processes

ps -o %t -p <pid> # Shows how long a particular process was running.
# (E.g. 6-04:30:50 means 6 days 4 hours ...)

Ctrl z <enter> # Suspend (put to sleep) a process

fg # Resume (wake up) a suspended process and brings it into foreground

bg # Resume (wake up) a suspended process but keeps it running
# in the background.

Ctrl c # Kills the process that is currently running in the foreground

kill <process-ID> # Kills a specific process

kill -9 <process-ID> # NOTICE: "kill -9" is a very violent approach.
# It does not give the process any time to perform cleanup procedures.

kill -l # List all of the signals that can be sent to a proccess

kill -s SIGSTOP <process-ID> # Suspend (put to sleep) a specific process

kill -s SIGCONT <process-ID> # Resume (wake up) a specific process
renice -n <priority_value> # Changes the priority value, which range from 1-19,
# the higher the value the lower the priority, default is 10.
More on Terminating Processes
Terminating a Running Process
Text Viewing
more <my_file> # views text, use space bar to browse, hit 'q' to exit

less <my_file> # a more versatile text viewer than 'more', 'q' exits, 'G' moves to end of text, 'g' to beginning, '/' find forward, '?' find backwards

cat <my_file> # concatenates files and prints content to standard output

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