
How To Configure NTP Client In Linux

NTP means  Network Time Protocol

NTP is a protocol designed to synchronize the clocks of computers over a network.

Configure NTP client


Click the synchronize tab, Add server name ( as the table,

Click advanced option  and first option in that.

root@linuxstorage:~#service ntpd restart

Enable chkconfig for ntpd

root@linuxstorage:~#chkconfig ntpd on

For chechking

ntpq -p


Monitoring and Troubleshooting

ntpq -p

A most useful command for querying any time server's status is "ntpq -p". You can query a remote time server for the same kind of information with "ntpq -p <hostname>".
  # ntpq -p
       remote           refid      st t when poll reach   delay   offset  jitter
   LOCAL(0)        LOCAL(0)        10 l   22   64  377    0.000    0.000   0.001
  * .CDMA.           2 u  118  256  377   21.631   -0.401   0.544    2 u  102  256  377   35.372   -0.264   9.730
The first position in the output lines is a quick indicator of the status of the remote server. A "*" indicates the server to which you are currently synchronized. It may take some part of an hour before your server considers itself synchronized. A "+" is a candidate to take the leading role if the current server becomes unsuitable for some reason.
The labeled columns for this are:
           The IP address or DNS name of the remote server
An identification of the type of the reference clock.
The "stratum" or level of the server: for almost all systems, 2 is great. Your local system will have a higher number.
The type of service. Your setup will show "l" for local on your local system, or "u" for "unicast" for communicating with remote servers.
This is the number of seconds since the server was last heard from. After a couple of minutes of operation your server should start to report numeric values here.
Current polling interval in seconds. When remote servers are responding, "when" should be no greater than "poll".
This and the remaining fields are important indicators of the health of your local server, your remote servers, and their communication. This field is really a bit array indicating whether responses have been received to your local server's eight most recent requests. The value starts at 0. If your local server is receiving responses to all its requests, it will go to 1, then 3, then 7. The display is in octal, so 377 is the maximum value. Anything less indicates that either your local server recently started or some requests did not receive responses.
Recent average roundtrip time in milliseconds from request to response.
Estimated differential between your system clock and this time server's clock, in milliseconds. You may consider this the "bottom line" on the accuracy of your system clock. NTP can usually drive this down to the level of the jitter or less.
A measure of the variability of the delays between request and receipt of a response, in milliseconds. High jitter tends to limit your server's ability to synchronize accurately.


You can easily check if packets are going out from your system and coming back to your box using tcpdump. NTP uses port 123, so you might issue a command like this as root:

  # tcpdump udp port 123
Allow it to monitor traffic for up to an hour. You should see packets going out to your time servers port 123 (ntp) and replies coming back from each of them. Your local UDP port will probably also be number 123. Kernel firewalling (ipchains or iptables) can prevent synchronization from working even if the servers are replying to your system's requests.
If you see packets coming in from the remote time servers, but ntpq indicates your server is not seeing them, then be sure to look at your ipchains/iptables configuration and to consider the ntpd 4.1.1 issue noted in the configuration section for Red Hat 7.3 and to check the system log for configuration messages from ntpd.



Your ntpd will log various events through your system's syslog facility. This typically means the messages will show up in /var/log/messages, in lines containing the string "ntpd". Configuration problems are reported here. If your local server steps the time ahead or back suddenly, it will report that here also with a message such as: time reset -6.394626 s.

Carefully Adjusting Your Clock

This procedure is especially useful if your system clock is ahead of the actual time. You can use it to prevent ntpd from making large sudden adjustments to your system clock while the system is running, and to make sure the system clock never jumps backward in time. The NTP FAQ suggests doing the following steps if you can take your server down for a little while:
  1. Shutdown;
  2. Set the BIOS clock;
  3. Restart.
For systems with clocks ahead of real time, plan to leave the system off until real time catches up with its internal time when it was shut down. Since the system clock is initialized from the BIOS clock, this prevents the system clock from jumping back while your system is running. Recall that Linux can be configured to interpret the BIOS time as either local time or GMT (UTC). You can infer the configuration by comparing output from the "date" command with the BIOS clock time.


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