1. Determine if remote host is
up/available: 'ping'
2. Determine if local/remote service
is available: 'telnet'
3. Determine network sockets
stats/connections: 'netstat'
4. View L2 information:'arp'
5. View path taken by packets to
remote system: 'traceroute'
6. Hostname-to-IP and reverse
resolution: 'nslookup', 'dig'
7. Learn more information about and IP
and/or block: 'whois'
1. Explore Packet Internet Groper
a. 'ping -c 3 -s 32' -
sends 32-bytes + 8-bytes (ICMP overhead)
b. 'ping -c 3 -i 3' -
sends 3-packets of 56-bytes, every 3-seconds to the target.
Note: PING may be blocked by L3
devices on your network and/or the Internet
2. Telnet - Don't use for TTY access
to remote host. Use SSH. Use telnet to test port-accessibility.
a. 'telnet' - Install if
necessary using yum.
3. Netstat - reveals TCP:UDP:Lnix
sockets - '/proc/net'
a. 'netstat -a' - dumps all sockets
with: service/port and hostname resolution
b. 'netstat -an' - same as above, but
suppresses name resolution
c. 'netstat -ntl' - suppresses name
resolution, shows only TCP sockets, and Listeners
d. 'netstat -ntlp' - same as above,
includes programs bound to ports
Note: 'Use '-p' option as root to
reveal ALL programs'
Note: ':::514' - means that port is
bound to ALL IPv6 addresses configured on the host
Note: '' - means that port
is bound to ALL IPv4 addressesconfigures on the host
e. 'netstat -i'
f. 'netstat -nulp' - returns ALL UDP
g. 'netstat -rn' - returns kernel
routing table
4. ARP - Address Resolution Protocol
a. 'arp -a || arp -e'
Note: ARP is usually self managing.
5. Traceroute - follows path taken by
packets across the network (Intra/Internet)
a. 'traceroute'
b. 'traceroute www.hindux.com'
6. 'nslookup'
a. 'nslookup www.hindux.com'
DNS client tools use:
'/etc/resolv.conf' to determine which DNS servers to query
7. 'dig'
a. 'dig www.hindux.com'
b. 'dig -x' - performs
a reverse lookup
c. 'dig hindux.com mx'
8. 'whois' - Finds IP/domain ownership
a. 'whois hindux.com'
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