Nagios interview Questions and Answers
1.What is Nagios and how it Works ?
Nagios is an open source System and Network Monitoring application.
Nagios runs on a server, usually as a daemon or service. Nagios periodically
run plugins to monitor clients, if it found anything warning and critical it
will send an alerts via Email OR SMS as per the configuration.
The Nagios daemon behaves like a
scheduler that runs certain scripts at certain moments. It stores the results
of those scripts and will run other scripts if these results change.
2. what are ports numbers Nagios will use to
monitor clients..?
Ans: Port numbers are 5666, 5667 and
3. Explain Main Configuration file and its
Resource File : It is used to store
sensitive information like username, passwords with out making them available
to the CGIs. Default path: /usr/local/nagios/etc/resource.cfg
Object Definition Files: It is the
location were you define all you want to monitor and how you want to monitor.
It is used to define hosts, services, hostgroups, contacts, contact groups,
commands, etc.. Default Path: /usr/local/nagios/etc/objects/
CGI Configuration File : The CGI
configuration file contains a number of directives that affect the operation of
the CGIs. It also contains a reference the main configuration file, so the CGIs
know how you’ve configured Nagios and where your object definitions are stored.
Default Path: /usr/local/nagios/sbin/
4. Nagios administrator is adding 100+ clients
in monitoring but he don’t want to add every .cfg file entry in nagios.cfg file
he want to enable a directory path. How can he configure directory for all
configuration files..?
Ans: He can able to achieve the above
scenario by adding the directory path in nagios.cfg file, in line number 54 we
have to add below line.
5. Explain Nagios files and its location?
The main configuration file is usually
named nagios.cfg and located in the /usr/local/nagios/etc/ directory default.
Object Configuration File : This
directive is used to specify an object configuration file containing object
definitions that Nagios should use for monitoring.
Object Configuration Directory :This
directive is used to specify a directory which contains object configuration
files that Nagios should use for monitoring.
Object Cache File :This directive is
used to specify a file in which a cached copy of object definitions should be
line number 66
Precached Object File: Line Number 82
precached_object_file=/usr/local/nagios/var/objects.precache Default
This is used to specify an optional
resource file that can contain $USERn$ macro definitions. $USERn$ macros are
useful for storing usernames, passwords, and items commonly used in command
Temp File : temp_path=/tmp
This is a directory that Nagios can
use as scratch space for creating temporary files used during the monitoring
process. You should run tmpwatch, or a similiar utility, on this directory
occasionally to delete files older than 24 hours.
Status File : Line Number 105
This is the file that Nagios uses to
store the current status, comment, and downtime information. This file is used
by the CGIs so that current monitoring status can be reported via a web
interface. The CGIs must have read access to this file in order to function
properly. This file is deleted every time Nagios stops and recreated when it
Log Archive Path : Line Number 245
This is the directory where Nagios
should place log files that have been rotated. This option is ignored if you
choose to not use the log rotation functionality.
External Command File :
This is the file that Nagios will
check for external commands to process. The command CGI writes commands to this
file. The external command file is implemented as a named pipe (FIFO), which is
created when Nagios starts and removed when it shuts down. If the file exists
when Nagios starts, the Nagios process will terminate with an error message.
Always keep read only permission to submit the commands from authorized users
Lock File : lock_file=/tmp/nagios.lock
This option specifies the location of
the lock file that Nagios should create when it runs as a daemon (when started
with the -d command line argument). This file contains the process id (PID)
number of the running Nagios process.
State Retention File:
This is the file that Nagios will use
for storing status, downtime, and comment information before it shuts down.
When Nagios is restarted it will use the information stored in this file for
setting the initial states of services and hosts before it starts monitoring
anything. In order to make Nagios retain state information between program
restarts, you must enable the retain_state_information option.
Check Result Path :
This options determines which
directory Nagios will use to temporarily store host and service check results
before they are processed.
Host Performance Data File :
This option allows you to specify a
file to which host performance data will be written after every host check.
Data will be written to the performance file as specified by the
host_perfdata_file_template option. Performance data is only written to this
file if the process_performance_data option is enabled globally and if the
process_perf_data directive in the host definition is enabled.
Service Performance Data File:
This option allows you to specify a
file to which service performance data will be written after every service
check. Data will be written to the performance file as specified by the
service_perfdata_file_template option. Performance data is only written to this
file if the process_performance_data option is enabled globally and if the
process_perf_data directive in the service definition is enabled
Debug File :
This option determines where Nagios
should write debugging information. What (if any) information is written is
determined by the debug_level and debug_verbosity options. You can have Nagios
automatically rotate the debug file when it reaches a certain size by using the
max_debug_file_size option.
6. Explain Host and Service Check Execution
Ans: This option determines whether or
not Nagios will execute Host/service checks when it initially (re)starts. If
this option is disabled, Nagios will not actively execute any service checks
and will remain in a sort of “sleep” mode. This option is most often used when
configuring backup monitoring servers or when setting up a distributed
monitoring environment.
Note: If you have state retention
enabled, Nagios will ignore this setting when it (re)starts and use the last
known setting for this option (as stored in the state retention file), unless you
disable the use_retained_program_state option. If you want to change this
option when state retention is active (and the use_retained_program_state is
enabled), you’ll have to use the appropriate external command or change it via
the web interface.
Values are as follows:
0 = Don’t execute host/service checks
1 = Execute host/service checks
7. Explain active and Passive check in Nagios?
Nagios will monitor host and services in tow ways actively and
passively.Active checks are the most common method for monitoring hosts and
services. The main features of actives checks as as follows:Active checks are
initiated by the Nagios process
A. Active checks:
1.Active checks are run on a regularly
scheduled basis
2.Active checks are initiated by the
check logic in the Nagios daemon.
When Nagios needs to check the status
of a host or service it will execute a plugin and pass it information about
what needs to be checked. The plugin will then check the operational state of
the host or service and report the results back to the Nagios daemon. Nagios
will process the results of the host or service check and take appropriate
action as necessary (e.g. send notifications, run event handlers, etc).
Active check are executed At regular
intervals, as defined by the check_interval and retry_interval options in your
host and service definitions
On-demand as needed.Regularly
scheduled checks occur at intervals equaling either the check_interval or the
retry_interval in your host or service definitions, depending on what type of
state the host or service is in. If a host or service is in a HARD state, it
will be actively checked at intervals equal to the check_interval option. If it
is in a SOFT state, it will be checked at intervals equal to the retry_interval
On-demand checks are performed whenever
Nagios sees a need to obtain the latest status information about a particular
host or service. For example, when Nagios is determining the reach ability of a
host, it will often perform on-demand checks of parent and child hosts to
accurately determine the status of a particular network segment. On-demand
checks also occur in the predictive dependency check logic in order to ensure
Nagios has the most accurate status information.
b.Passive checks:
They key features of passive checks
are as follows:
1.Passive checks are initiated and
performed external applications/processes
2.Passive check results are submitted
to Nagios for processing
The major difference between active
and passive checks is that active checks are initiated and performed by Nagios,
while passive checks are performed by external applications.
Passive checks are useful for
monitoring services that are:
Asynchronous in nature and cannot be
monitored effectively by polling their status on a regularly scheduled basis
Located behind a firewall and cannot
be checked actively from the monitoring host
Examples of asynchronous services that
lend themselves to being monitored passively include SNMP traps and security
alerts. You never know how many (if any) traps or alerts you’ll receive in a given
time frame, so it’s not feasible to just monitor their status every few
minutes.Passive checks are also used when configuring distributed or redundant
monitoring installations.
Here’s how passive checks work in more
An external application checks the
status of a host or service.
The external application writes the
results of the check to the external command file.
The next time Nagios reads the
external command file it will place the results of all passive checks into a
queue for later processing. The same queue that is used for storing results
from active checks is also used to store the results from passive checks.
Nagios will periodically execute a
check result reaper event and scan the check result queue. Each service check
result that is found in the queue is processed in the same manner – regardless
of whether the check was active or passive. Nagios may send out notifications,
log alerts, etc. depending on the check result information.
8. How to verify Nagios configuration ..?
In order to verify your configuration, run Nagios with the -v command
line option like so:
/usr/local/nagios/bin/nagios -v
If you’ve forgotten to enter some
critical data or misconfigured things, Nagios will spit out a warning or error
message that should point you to the location of the problem. Error messages
generally print out the line in the configuration file that seems to be the
source of the problem. On errors, Nagios will often exit the pre-flight check
and return to the command prompt after printing only the first error that it
has encountered.
9. What Are Objects?
Objects are all the elements that are involved in the monitoring and
notification logic.
Types of objects include:
Services are one of the central objects in the
monitoring logic. Services are associated with hosts Attributes of a host (CPU
load, disk usage, uptime, etc.)
Service Groups :are groups of one or
more services. Service groups can make it easier to (1) view the status of
related services in the Nagios web interface and (2) simplify your
configuration through the use of object tricks.
are one of the central objects in the monitoring logic.Hosts are usually
physical devices on your network (servers, workstations, routers, switches,
printers, etc).
Host Groups are groups of one or more hosts. Host groups
can make it easier to (1) view the status of related hosts in the Nagios web
interface and (2) simplify your configuration through the use of object tricks
Contacts Conact information of people involved in the notification process
Contact Groups are groups of one or
more contacts. Contact groups can make it easier to define all the people who
get notified when certain host or service problems occur.
Commands are used to tell Nagios what
programs, scripts, etc. it should execute to perform ,Host and service checks
and when Notifications should send etc.
Time Periods are are used to control
,When hosts and services can be monitored
Notification Escalations Use for
escalating the the notification
10. What Are Plugins?
Plugins are compiled executable s or scripts (Perl scripts, shell
scripts, etc.) that can be run from a command line to check the status or a
host or service. Nagios uses the results from plugins to determine the current
status of hosts and services on your network.
Nagios will execute a plugin whenever
there is a need to check the status of a service or host. The plugin does
something (notice the very general term) to perform the check and then simply
returns the results to Nagios. Nagios will process the results that it receives
from the plugin and take any necessary actions (running event handlers, sending
out notifications, etc).
11. How Do I Use Plugin X?
We have to download the plugins from nagios exchange Then check the nagios plugin by running manually.
Most all plugins will display basic
usage information when you execute them using ‘-h’ or ‘–help’ on the command
12. How to generate Performance graphs..?
Ans: In Nagios Core there is no
inbuilt option to generate the performance graphs, We have to install
pnp4nagios and add hosts and services URL’s in defination files.
13. What is the difference between NagiosXI
and Nagios Core ..?
NagiosXI is a Paid version and Nagios core is a free version.
NagiosXI includes lot of features
which we can modify using web interface. Nagios Core default not include all
the features we have to implement by installing plugins.
14. When Does Nagios Check For External
Ans: At regular intervals specified by the
command_check_interval option in the main configuration file
Immediately after event handlers are
executed. This is in addition to the regular cycle of external command checks
and is done to provide immediate action if an event handler submits commands to
External commands that are written to
the command file have the following format
[time] command_id;command_arguments
where time is the time (in time_t
format) that the external application submitted the external command to the
command file. The values for the command_id and command_arguments arguments
will depend on what command is being submitted to Nagios.
15. Explain Nagios State Types?
The current state of monitored services and hosts is determined by two
The status of the service or host
(i.e. OK, WARNING, UP, DOWN, etc.)
Tye type of state the service or host
is in
There are two state types in Nagios –
SOFT states and HARD states. These state types are a crucial part of the
monitoring logic, as they are used to determine when event handlers are
executed and when notifications are initially sent out.
A.Soft States:
When a service or host check results
in a non-OK or non-UP state and the service check has not yet been (re)checked
the number of times specified by the max_check_attempts directive in the
service or host definition. This is called a soft error.
When a service or host recovers from a
soft error. This is considered a soft recovery.
The following things occur when hosts
or services experience SOFT state changes:
The SOFT state is logged. Event
handlers are executed to handle the SOFT state. SOFT states are only logged if
you enabled the log_service_retries or log_host_retries options in your main
configuration file.
The only important thing that really
happens during a soft state is the execution of event handlers. Using event
handlers can be particularly useful if you want to try and proactively fix a
problem before it turns into a HARD state. The $HOSTSTATETYPE$ or
$SERVICESTATETYPE$ macros will have a value of “SOFT” when event handlers are
executed, which allows your event handler scripts to know when they should take
corrective action.
B.Hard states :
occur for hosts and services in the
following situations:
When a host or service check results
in a non-UP or non-OK state and it has been (re)checked the number of times
specified by the max_check_attempts
option in the host or service
definition. This is a hard error state.
When a host or service transitions
from one hard error state to another error state (e.g. WARNING to CRITICAL).
When a service check results in a
non-OK state and its corresponding host is either DOWN or UNREACHABLE.
When a host or service recovers from a
hard error state. This is considered to be a hard recovery.
When a passive host check is received.
Passive host checks are treated as HARD unless the passive_host_checks_are_soft
option is enabled.
The following things occur when hosts
or services experience HARD state changes:
The HARD state is logged.
Event handlers are executed to handle
the HARD state.
Contacts are notifified of the host or
service problem or recovery.
$SERVICESTATETYPE$ macros will have a value of “HARD” when event handlers are
executed, which allows your event handler scripts to know when they should take
corrective action.
16. What is State Stalking?
Ans: Stalking is purely for logging
purposes.When stalking is enabled for a particular host or service, Nagios will
watch that host or service very carefully and log any changes it sees in the
output of check results. As you’ll see, it can be very helpful to you in later
analysis of the log files. Under normal circumstances, the result of a host or
service check is only logged if the host or service has changed state since it
was last checked. There are a few exceptions to this, but for the most part,
that’s the rule.
If you enable stalking for one or more
states of a particular host or service, Nagios will log the results of the host
or service check if the output from the check differs from the output from the
previous check.
17. Explain how Flap Detection works in Nagios?
Nagios supports optional detection of hosts and services that are
“flapping”. Flapping occurs when a service or host changes state too
frequently, resulting in a storm of problem and recovery notifications.
Flapping can be indicative of configuration problems (i.e. thresholds set too
low), troublesome services, or real network problems.
Whenever Nagios checks the status of a
host or service, it will check to see if it has started or stopped flapping. It
does this by:
Storing the results of the last 21
checks of the host or ser vice
Analyzing the historical check results
and determine where state changes/transitions occur
Using the state transitions to
determine a percent state change value (a measure of change) for the host or
Comparing the percent state change
value against low and high flapping thresholds
A host or service is determined to
have started flapping when its percent state change first exceeds a high
flapping threshold.
A host or service is determined to
have stopped flapping when its percent state goes below a low flapping
threshold (assuming that is was previously flapping).
The historical service check results
are examined to determine where state changes/transitions occur. State changes
occur when an archived state is different from the archived state that
immediately precedes it chronologically. Since we keep the results of the last
21 service checks in the array, there is a possibility of having at most 20
state changes. In this example there are 7 state changes, indicated by blue
arrows in the image above.
The flap detection logic uses the
state changes to determine an overall percent state change for the service.
This is a measure of volatility/change for the service. Services that never
change state will have a 0% state change value, while services that change
state each time they’re checked will have 100% state change. Most services will
have a percent state change somewhere in between.
18. Explain Distributed Monitoring ?
Nagios can be configured to support distributed monitoring of network
services and resources.
When setting up a distributed
monitoring environment with Nagios, there are differences in the way the
central and distributed servers are configured.
The function of a distributed server
is to actively perform checks all the services you define for a “cluster” of
hosts. it basically just mean an arbitrary group of hosts on your network.
Depending on your network layout, you may have several clusters at one physical
location, or each cluster may be separated by a WAN, its own firewall, etc.
There is one distributed server that runs Nagios and monitors the services on
the hosts in each cluster. A distributed server is usually a bare-bones
installation of Nagios. It doesn’t have to have the web interface installed,
send out notifications, run event handler scripts, or do anything other than
execute service checks if you don’t want it to.
The purpose of the central server is
to simply listen for service check results from one or more distributed
servers. Even though services are occasionally actively checked from the
central server, the active checks are only performed in dire circumstances,
19. What is NRPE?
The Nagios Remote Plugin Executor addon is designed to allow you to
execute Nagios plugins on remote Linux/Unix machines. The main reason for doing this is to allow
Nagios to monitor “local” resources (like CPU load, memory usage, etc.) on
remote machines. Since these public resources are not usually exposed to
external machines, an agent like NRPE must be installed on the remote
Linux/Unix machines.
The NRPE addon consists of two pieces:
– The check_nrpe plugin, which resides
on the local monitoring machine
– The NRPE daemon, which runs on the
remote Linux/Unix machine
When Nagios needs to monitor a
resource of service from a remote Linux/Unix machine:
– Nagios will execute the check_nrpe
plugin and tell it what service needs to be checked
– The check_nrpe plugin contacts the
NRPE daemon on the remote host over an (optionally) SSL-protected connection
– The NRPE daemon runs the appropriate
Nagios plugin to check the service or resource
– The results from the service check
are passed from the NRPE daemon back to the check_nrpe plugin, which
then returns the check results to the
Nagios process.
20.What is NDOUTILS ?
The NDOUTILS addon is designed to store all configuration and event data
from Nagios in a database. Storing information from Nagios in a database will
allow for quicker retrieval and processing of that data and will help serve as
a foundation for the development of a new PHP-based web interface in Nagios
MySQL databases are currently supported
by the addon and PostgreSQL support is in development.
The NDOUTILS addon was designed to
work for users who have:
– Single Nagios installations
– Multiple standalone or “vanilla”
Nagios installations
– Multiple Nagios installations in
distributed, redundant, and/or fail over environments.
Each Nagios process, whether it is a
standalone monitoring server or part of a distributed, redundant, or failover
monitoring setup, is referred to as an “instance”. In order to maintain the
integrity of stored data, each Nagios instance must be labeled with a unique
identifier or name.
21. What are the components that make up the
NDO utilities ?
There are four main components that
make up the NDO utilities:
NDOMOD Event Broker Module : The NDO
utilities includes a Nagios event broker module (NDOMOD.O) that exports data
from the Nagios daemon.Once the module has been loaded by the Nagios daemon,
itcan access all of the data and logic present in the running Nagios
process.The NDOMOD module has been designed to export configuration data, as
well as information about various run time events that occur in the monitoring
process, from the Nagios daemon. The module can send this data to a standard
file, a Unix domain socket, or a TCP socket.
LOG2NDO Utility : The LOG2NDO utility
has been designed to allow you to import historical Nagios and NetSaint log
files into a database via the NDO2DB daemon (described later). The utility
works by sending historical log file data to a standard file, a Unix domain
socket, or a TCP socket in a format the NDO2DB daemon understands. The NDO2DB
daemon can then be used to process that output and store the historical log
file information in a database.
FILE2SOCK Utility : The FILE2SOCK utility is quite simple. Its
reads input from a standard file (or STDIN) and writes all of that data to
either a Unix domain socket or TCP socket. The data that is read is not
processed in any way before it is sent to the socket.
NDO2DB Daemon: The NDO2DB utility is designed to take the
data output from the NDOMOD and LOG2NDO components and store it in a MySQL or
PostgreSQL database.When it starts, the NDO2DB daemon creates either a TCP or
Unix domain socket and waits for clients to connect. NDO2DB can run either as a
standalone, multi-process daemon or under INETD (if using a TCP socket).
Multiple clients can connect to the NDO2DB daemon’s socket and transmit data
simultaneously. A separate NDO2DB process is spawned to handle each new client
that connects. Data is read from each client and stored in a user-specified
database for later retrieval and processing.
22. What are the Operating Systems we can
monitor using Nagios..?
Any Operating System We can monitor using Nagios, OS should support to
install Nagios Clinet either SNMP.
23. What is database is used by Nagios to
store collected status data..?
Ans: Nagios core will use default RRD
database format to store status data
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