NFS ( Network file systems ) is used
to share files with other computers over the network.
It is mainly used for centralized home
folders. This article explains, how to setup NFS server on ubuntu 14.04 . also
explains about mounting nfs shares on client machine .
Setup NFS server on ubuntu 14.04
Step 1 »
Update the repositories.
sudo apt-get update
Step 2 »
Install nfs server package by typing the command.
sudo apt-get install nfs-kernel-server
Step 3 »
Make directory you want to share with other computers.
sudo mkdir /nhome
Step 4 »
Here /etc/exports is the main config file for NFS.
Vim /etc/exports
#Share access to all networks
/nhome *(rw,sync,no_root_squash)
#Share access to particular network
#Share access to particular host
#Share access to all hosts in particular
This option gives the client computer both read and write access to the volume.
ro: This option gives the client computer both
read-only access to the volume.
This option forces NFS to write changes to disk before replying. This results
in a more stable and consistent environment, since the reply reflects the
actual state of the remote volume.
nosubtreecheck: This option prevents subtree checking, which
is a process where the host must check whether the file is actually still
available in the exported tree for every request. This can cause many problems
when a file is renamed while the client has it opened. In almost all cases, it
is better to disable subtree checking.
norootsquash: By default, NFS translates requests from a
root user remotely into a non-privileged user on the server. This was supposed
to be a security feature by not allowing a root account on the client to use
the filesystem of the host as root. This directive disables this for certain
Step 5 »
Start service by the below command.
sudo /etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server
Step 6 »
Now check the NFS share status.
linux@ubuntu:~$ sudo exportfs -u
/nhome3 *
/nhome world
Ubuntu – Client side
Step 1
» Install nfs client and dependencies .
sudo apt-get install nfs-common
Step 2
» Create a directory /rhome .
sudo mkdir /rhome
Step 3 »
Mount the remote share /nhome on local directory /rhome.
Temporary mount
sudo mount -t nfs
add the following line in /etc/fstab
file for permanent mount. /rhome nfs
rw,sync,hard,intr 0 0
Step 4 »
Check the mounted share directory using mount command.
linux@ubuntu:~$ mount
rpc_pipefs on /run/rpc_pipefs type
rpc_pipefs (rw) on /rhome type
nfs (rw,vers=4,addr=,clientaddr=
Now local rhome is remote NFS
directory . whatever data copied to that folder will be stored in remote
directory /nhome.
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