The Commands which are basically use to operate an Operating System(O/S) is called Basic Commands.
1) pwd : present working directory ---> used to know the path of present user.
2) ls : list ------>It gives the list of files & Directories present in the path
3) ls -l or ll --------> Listing of all files along with attributes
4) ls -a ------> Lists all hidden files & directories
5) ls -r -------> lists all files & directories in reverse mode
6) ls -il---------> lists all files & directories along with inode numbers
7) ls -ld < directory name> ------> to view attributes of a particular directory
8) ls -R <> -------> to view tree structure of a directory
9) ls -a* ----------> to view all files & directories starts with a
10) man < command> ---------> to view entire options of a command
To create a file we have 3 methods :
1) touch
2) cat
3) vi(vim)
1) touch : With the help of touch command we can create an empty file.
syntax: touch < filename>
ex: touch f1
with this command we can create n number of files at a time.
syntax: touch <file1> <file2> <file3>
ex: touch mahesh raju naveen
2)cat: By using cat we can create data-files
syntax: cat > <filename>
ex: cat >mahesh
(edit data)
( ctrl+d)(to save)
To view content of a file
cat < filename>
To add data in existing file
cat >> <existing filename>
we cannot edit the written text through cat command. we can only add data to modify existing data we have to use editors. we have number of editors in linux
ex: gedit ,nano, kedit, kate, emacs ,vim ,etc...
Note : but we always use the best editor "vim" editor .
we can transfer an output as input for another file
ex: to view output of file1 file2 we use
cat file1 file2
In the same way, we can transfer output of that command as input for another file
ex: cat file1 file2 > file3
here we are giving file1 file2's data as input for file3 , by this data of file1&file2 will copied into file3.
1) pwd : present working directory ---> used to know the path of present user.
2) ls : list ------>It gives the list of files & Directories present in the path
3) ls -l or ll --------> Listing of all files along with attributes
4) ls -a ------> Lists all hidden files & directories
5) ls -r -------> lists all files & directories in reverse mode
6) ls -il---------> lists all files & directories along with inode numbers
7) ls -ld < directory name> ------> to view attributes of a particular directory
8) ls -R <> -------> to view tree structure of a directory
9) ls -a* ----------> to view all files & directories starts with a
10) man < command> ---------> to view entire options of a command
To create a file we have 3 methods :
1) touch
2) cat
3) vi(vim)
1) touch : With the help of touch command we can create an empty file.
syntax: touch < filename>
ex: touch f1
with this command we can create n number of files at a time.
syntax: touch <file1> <file2> <file3>
ex: touch mahesh raju naveen
2)cat: By using cat we can create data-files
syntax: cat > <filename>
ex: cat >mahesh
(edit data)
( ctrl+d)(to save)
To view content of a file
cat < filename>
To add data in existing file
cat >> <existing filename>
we cannot edit the written text through cat command. we can only add data to modify existing data we have to use editors. we have number of editors in linux
ex: gedit ,nano, kedit, kate, emacs ,vim ,etc...
Note : but we always use the best editor "vim" editor .
we can transfer an output as input for another file
ex: to view output of file1 file2 we use
cat file1 file2
In the same way, we can transfer output of that command as input for another file
ex: cat file1 file2 > file3
here we are giving file1 file2's data as input for file3 , by this data of file1&file2 will copied into file3.